NokiaBeast - Wicker Nova Kitbash
What happens when a Wicker and a Nova love each other very much... Um- Well, this I guess?
Introducing the NokiaBeast -
A super special kitbash between two of my favorite species!
!! You MUST be in the Novabeast (Nova Hideout) server alongside the Wicker (Jin's makin a thing) server and be verified for both the Wicker and Nova models BEFORE gaining access to the kitbash - I will NOT be refunding purchases if these rules are not followed !!
LISTEN UP - Because this is a kitbash you will NEED to join the Tor-Tal Chaos Discord server to be manually verified to gain access to the files, if you do not wish to join the discord you will NOT get the edit, and if you leave the server after purchasing you will need to be re-verified if you choose to rejoin - BE WARNED!!!
- You CAN make publics on VRC of this edit, but you MUST credit me in the avatars description and tell people where they can purchase it!
- Public models may NOT use the OG edit's textures, they need to be new ones (I already have publics of the base edit in my own world!)
- You can NOT rip the clothes off of this model to use them for your own edits as stated by the clothes TOS!
- Do NOT distribute this edit to anyone changed or not unless they are verified in MY discord server for legally owning all 3 parts needed!
- You CAN take commissions for further edits / clothes refittings / textures / etc on this edit as long as BOTH parties legally own all 3 parts
Facetracking Compatibility! -
Hantnor has been generous enough to include a free Nokiabeast FT when purchasing their Novabeast FT package! Find it here:
- Thicker arm slider
- Thicc hips slider
- Smooth lips slider
- Piercings
- Exclusive collar pendant and horn ring
- Nokia Shaver (Watch the video!!!)
- Toggleable FANGS
- Some other stuff :)
- You MUST have the latest version of VRCFury installed into your project - The toggles will not work without it!
- You MUST have liltoon installed - and the latest version of Poiyomi
HB Set by Nessy!
Babe Shorts by Nessy!
TacJacket by Nessy!
Novabeast by Kittomatic!
Wickerbeast model by Jin A!
Edit made by Tor!
There are some PUBLIC Avis of both the Masc and Fem version located in my VRChat World!
- Auth Key for the Discord Server