Modernbotics Limbs Textures | Novabeast
!!! You MUST own the Novabeast model made by Kittomatic... it does NOT come with this texture !!!
Buy The Nova Here!!!! You MUST ALSO own Angel's Cyber Limbs models... they do NOT come with this texture !!!
These are made to go alongside the eye pack that I sold, they can be found here:
Retextures made by: TortoiseTrouble
! Created in Substance Painter !
Credit is appreciated but not needed.
Note: The model in the showcase uses Poiyomi 8.1 shaders.. but it can work with anything
What this package includes:
- Image folders of all the PNGs at the time of upload
- A folder full of Unity Materials ready to be uploaded to your avatar once imported
- Audiolink Variants and Non-Audiolink Variants included in setup
- Do not re-sell or share this asset under any circumstances, edited or not - if someone wants them, please direct them to this page
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- Substance Painter file / Images